Tropical Storm Andrea made landfall yesterday around 5:30pm in the Big Bend region of Florida. Unlike the tropical storms Floridians are used to, Andrea had trouble developing due to dry air to the west of the system. Low pressure systems rotate in a counter clockwise motion. Therefore, the rainfall was not as intense as it could have been.


Don’t get me wrong, Andrea still walloped those in Florida, and along the coast. It spawned a total of 7 tornadoes across the peninsula, and dropped up to 5 inches of rain in some places. The most dangerous part of Tropical are not the winds, but rather the flash flooding and storm surge. It is always better to be safe than sorry, as even 6 inches of water can sweep you off your feet.


Andrea is still moving steadily up the coast. As of this afternoon, it is now a Post Tropical Storm, as wind speeds have dropped below 45mph. It should continue to make its way up the coast to Canada by tomorrow afternoon.

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